How Does the Process Work?

    Complete the Form

    Fill out the Consultation Request form below. We will typically respond within 24 hours. We may ask some preliminary questions and set a time for an initial phone discussion.

    Initial Discussion

    During our phone conversation, we will discuss your needs and the scope of your project and determine if Trinity Home Theater would be a good fit for you. If we decide to proceed, we will schedule an on-site consultation.

    On-Site Consultation

    We will meet you in your home or place of business to get a first-hand look at your project requirements. This gives us an opportunity to talk about different options and ideas and gather other information. Most consultations take between 30 minutes and 2 hours (1 hour is most common) depending on the complexity of the job. The purpose of the consultation is not to “sell” you anything, but rather listen to your needs and expectations so we can create a system that’s right for you.

    Design and Proposal

    After your consultation, we will begin the process of designing your system and creating the initial proposal. Sometimes we hit the nail on the head, and you’ll love the first draft of the proposal. Other times, we will discuss the first draft and then refine the design to better meet your needs and budget. Once you have approved the proposal, we will move to the next step.

    Deposit and Purchasing

    After you approve the work, we will typically collect a deposit. We will proceed with ordering the equipment and determining when equipment should arrive. We can use this information to start discussing potential dates to begin the installation.

    System Installation

    It’s installation time! We will deliver all of your new equipment and proceed with the installation process. We will discuss a game plan with you to minimize disruption on your daily activities and help ensure a smooth installation. Once the system is complete we will show you how to use it and answer any questions you have.

    Service and Support

    After your system is installed, we hope that you absolutely love it and have a trouble-free experience. However, we all know that technology can get a little glitchy, so we will be there to help you when you need us. When the gremlins arise, we can usually take care of it remotely, or we will schedule a visit if needed. Either way, we want to get you back on track as soon as possible.

    We hope that you will choose us to create something spectacular!

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